Diversity in the incoming IPMX’14 batch of IIM Lucknow

Anirudh Chaturvedi
4 min readApr 11, 2021


The inception of Competition goes back to the time when many individuals started doing the same
thing. Being a competitor might make you a great individual, but being unique will make you a Leader.
But uniqueness itself demands being diverse or as the corporate term goes “Out Of the Box”. With the
ever-changing nature of the World, changing the approach towards problem-solving is inevitable. Now
can we ever completely define or measure diversity? Can we ever get the most out of a Group?

Well, the answer is not a No. The answer is “Difficult”. It is a rarity to find a diverse cohort when you have so much to select from an already diverse nation and such is the cohort of IIM Lucknow’s IPMX. I must say that I am fortunate to be a part of the IPMX’ 14. The uniqueness of this cohort is that it is both Culturally and Experientially diverse. At IPMX, the cultural diversity ranges from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and Kolkata to Ahmedabad, literally covering every part of India. The experiential diversity is immense. To name a few, we have associates from Power/Energy/ Oil & Gas, Aerospace, Manufacturing, Automotive, Hospitality, Consulting, FMCG, IT/ITES, and the list goes on. Adding to the diversity in the work profile, the Average work experience at IPMX is 8.3 years, ranging from 15.5 years of exp. to 5.1 years of exp. — an Icing on the cake.

Experiential Diversity

As the industries evolve, the role of a woman has evolved enormously. There’s no single industry where women have not marked their importance. Similarly, I believe that women's participation is imperative in order for the cohort to have diverse perspectives. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the IPMX admissions counsel for making sure the cohort is diverse in terms of gender ratio while maintaining the Equilibrium. It’s really wonderful to be a part of the IPMX’ 14 that has such a diverse women cohort who come from Technology, Consulting, Power & Energy, BFSI, Real Estate, and IT/ITES.

When it comes to management studies, having diverse perspectives plays a key role because the experiences we have at our work or in society help us pick numerous approaches to a single problem, leaving no scope of error while picking the best approach. Now imagine the extent of success when such a diverse cohort meets the incredible faculty at one of the prestigious Indian Management institutions — IIM Lucknow (IPMX). The Faculty at IPMX is such that they will ensure they get the best out of every student with their rich Industry experience and Holistic learning approach. The curriculum at IPMX helps streamline the learning process, making sure we have a multifaceted learning experience.

The IIM Lucknow’s IPMX program is a 13-year-old legacy now and we have about 650+ alumni networks coming in from diverse backgrounds including Defense services. Most of them are currently in leadership roles and evidently, they are in multiple industries and different roles. The Alumni network becomes the backbone for the program’s growth, it’s like they lay a path for us to climb up the ladder and make sure that we reach the top of it. A very vital role played by the alumni is to maintain the network and our reach literally tends to infinity.

Last but not the least, this enthusiastic group of individuals also is multitalented with respect to extracurricular activities such as Storytelling, Painting & Doodling, Blogging, Social welfare engagements, and sports such as Football, Table Tennis, Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, and Tennis. A very essential element that helps unwind the monotonicity and rejuvenate for the next task from time to time.

Looking forward to living life to the fullest and falling in love with it all over again with all the HEL(L)ites. Hope the Rainbow doesn’t shy away when we all come out with flying colors.

With this, please join me in applauding the writer of this blog, Anish Adla. Anish is a person with strong domain knowledge in the Healthcare industry and IT development skills. He always shows enthusiasm towards learning new things and looking at things in a different way. He has been associated with Cognizant for 6.3 years, engaging in multiple high-priority projects and roles. He is truly ‘a writer by heart and a technophile by choice’.



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